RECOGNITIONS FOR 2022-2023 LCSD recently recognized Retirees, Teachers of the Year, and Parents of the Year.
Federal Programs / Special Services Education Budget Meeting Notice Lincoln County School District will hold an open meeting for a time of public comments regarding the District’s Federal Programs/SPED budget.
Career Technical Education Parent Survey We encourage parents of CTE students to participate in this survey. Results help us to determine how to best serve our students who enroll in CTE courses and pathway programs.
Comprehensive Needs Assessment Survey Please complete this survey for LCSD Comprehensive Needs Assessment. Faculty/staff members, parents, students, and community members are all welcome to participate.
BrightBytes Technology Usage Survey Spring 2023 MDE is requiring our district to conduct a survey through BrightBytes, an educational research organization, to learn more about our technology use for student learning.
Open Enrollment Open Enrollment will be held the week of April 11 - April 14, 2023. Every full time employee (no exceptions) must meet with and sign an Election and Salary Reduction Agreement form (Cafeteria Plan).
STUDENT TRANSFERS NOTICE Please see the attached notice from the Superintendent regarding student transfers.
Special Called Board Meeting 3/3/23 There will be a Special Called Board Meeting at 7:30 a.m. on Friday, March 3, 2023.